Creating and leveraging podcast content for your brand can make you an authority in your niche and position you as THE go-to resource people need to solve their problem(s).
But many brand leaders, professionals, and creators try to make things happen without an effective strategy in place.
They hope to find their way as they progress instead of properly planning things out with an end goal in mind.
They also don’t factor in important elements like time, mindset, and task management before pressing record, thus setting themselves up to stumble before their production efforts experience any true breakthroughs.
Below are the five biggest mistakes brands make when creating and attempting to leverage podcast content:
1. They Start Without a Plan
You’ve probably heard the old adage, “Failing to prepare is preparing to fail,” right? While I’m not 100% sure if this quote should be attributed to Benjamin Franklin, legendary UCLA basketball coach John Wooden, or a guy in my dad’s fantasy football league (ok, probably not him), it’s sound advice.
Not just for podcasting. For everything.
You don’t come across too many architects building a skyscraper with no blueprint.
Or an NFL team heading into Sunday without a gameplan designed to conquer their opponent.
So why would you start a podcast without a plan that guides you through uncharted waters?
A blueprint, so to speak, that keeps you focused on the right items and engaged in the process so you can experience the success so many other brands and individuals have had?
This sounds obvious, but you’d be surprised how many aspiring podcasters, whether they heard it somewhere on the Internet or had some very shitty advice served directly to them, think they can “wing it” and “figure things out as I go.”
Can you recall any successful initiatives you’ve accomplished with your business that didn’t involve a plan of attack?
Of course not.
This isn’t Vegas. You won’t just “get lucky.”
You need to have a solid foundation on which to build your podcast as you proceed. Understanding what you’re trying to accomplish will allow you to create content that speaks to the right person at the right time.
It’s subjective. There isn’t a blanket approach to producing this type of content and if anyone tells you there is, they’re dead wrong. Period.
You need to develop a plan that works for you. And just a few of the items you need to consider are:
✅ How much time can you devote to your production?
✅ What is the focus of your podcast?
✅ What do you want to accomplish with your show? AKA What is your WHY?
✅ Who is your ideal listener and how can you create content for that specific person?
✅ What are other podcasts in your niche/industry doing that you like or don’t like?
✅ How do you plan to produce your content? In-person? Virtually?
✅ How will you acquire guests for your episodes? Or will you just fly solo?
✅ What can you do to make your podcast stand out?
✅ Will you hire someone to handle this work or will it be accomplished DIY?
✅ What is your plan to promote and market your podcast?
✅ How will you repurpose your content so it’s impactful across the web?
These questions only scratch the surface.
Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.
Before you ever press record, make sure you have a plan that keeps you on track for growth, success, and prosperity.
2. They Think There’s Only One Way to Produce Content
One of the planning questions I listed a moment ago mentioned your plans for production.
A big mistake creators make is getting locked in to one specific way of producing their content thinking it’s the only way to succeed because some “guru” told them so.
I’ll never forget this: I was at a podcast convention and a well-known podcaster who I respect and have learned a lot from was on stage answering questions.
A woman in the crowd asked for some tips to grow her show.
The podcaster asked how many episodes she was producing per week, and she replied, “Two.”
His immediate response? “You need to do three.”
Now, I know he was just trying to be helpful and, naturally, more content is better than less.
That said, how can you give that advice without any context?
What if this woman was struggling to get those two episodes done every week?
What if she was at the end of her rope, trying to stay engaged in the process, but needed some guidance that would lighten her workload while still keeping her on track for growth?
You mean to tell me the ONLY way to succeed was to add another episode to the weekly count?
No. It’s not.
ESPECIALLY if it’s going to lead to more stress, eventual burnout, and inevitable podfade (when a show just stops dead because creators no longer produce new episodes).
In reality, there are many ways to produce podcast content…and which way you adopt as your model should be based entirely on the time you have available to produce.
Now, there’s a caveat. You don’t want to shrink your production schedule down to one episode a month or less. That’s not enough content to get your listeners invested.
If you want to run a podcast that releases, at a minimum, one episode per week, your best bet is to batch multiple episodes and have them in queue so you can consistently publish new content for your listeners when they expect it.
But I prefer the seasonal approach. Especially if you’re a brand leader, entrepreneur, small business owner, or busy professional who a) has a lot of responsibilities on your plate and b) wants to get comfortable on the microphone and build your skill set.
A season-based approach has many advantages, including:
✧ The ability to build your season around a specific theme
✧ The opportunity to position your podcast as a resource for current and prospective customers
✧ The ease of producing a powerful block of content in a condensed block of time
✧ The resourcefulness of building multiple targeted digital assets via repurposing
✧ The luxury of not being chained to your podcast production
✧ The comfort of knowing you can take a break before diving into the next season
A season-based approach also gives you an opportunity to strategically plot everything out in advance, thus tightening the focus of your content and putting less strain on your production efforts.
You also have the ability to transition into a weekly format in the future should you choose.
Bottom line: there’s more than one way to produce podcast content. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: The Most Impactful Way For Brands to Leverage Podcasting

3. They Believe Results Are Instantaneous
If I ever meet the person who told aspiring podcasters this was an endeavor that produced results like *THAT*, I’m going to backhand them.
You’ve been warned.
Anything worth achieving in life requires work, and creating podcast content is no different.
In no way, shape, or form will the results come overnight.
It takes a strong commitment to getting really good at your craft.
Plus, it takes time to establish trust with listeners. They need to know you’re going to be there when you say you will be – bringing them content that educates, informs, entertains, and captivates.
Once you’ve established that trust, that’s when listeners will turn to others in their circle and recommend they listen to your show, too.
Real, tangible growth is exponential…and getting to that point does not happen instantaneously.
One of the big reasons I love repurposing podcast content is the fact it allows you to reach people in multiple capacities.
So, while you continue to get better at your craft and build that aforementioned trust, your content can reach and impact people:
💥 On video platforms
💥 Through your website
💥 Via blogs
💥 On social media posts
💥 In email newsletters
💥 With webinars and presentations
Approaching your podcast with this in mind allows you to work smarter, not harder, when it comes to content creation, AND it gives you a means of connecting people who simply don’t listen to podcasts.
Just because they don’t listen to podcasts doesn’t mean the content found within your show can’t impact them and help them solve a problem.
Don’t get consumed with growing too fast. Focus on getting really, really good at what you do and utilizing your content in multiple ways.
When you do this, you’ll experience growth without even trying.
4. They Don’t Maximize the Benefits
Repurposing content is a big aspect of podcasting that many creators leave on the table. As I mentioned a moment ago, this is a great way to enhance your entire digital footprint and reach people who simply aren’t podcast listeners.
But the podcast medium also features many built-in benefits that you should be leveraging at each and every turn.
Some of these benefits include:
🔘 High-Level Networking – Each recording session, whether you’re the host or the guest, presents a golden opportunity to make a genuine connection and forge a meaningful, lucrative relationship. You have a like-minded professional working collaboratively with you. There’s no reason that relationship can’t extend beyond the microphone. Sky’s the limit!
🔘 Improved Speaking Skills – Interested in landing more speaking engagements? Honing your skills on the microphone is a great way to make it happen. The more mic time you put in, the better you get at presenting your solutions, telling good stories, and conversing with others. These skills translate to the stage and will make you a more engaging speaker!
🔘 Enhanced Communication Skills – You know as well as I do, when communication fails, everything falls apart. Being active on a podcast will elevate your ability to connect with others, thus elevating your communication skills at the same time. These skills will transfer to how you engage with clients, colleagues, friends, and loved ones at home. Everybody wins!
5. They Stop Having Fun
If I could bottle the energy and excitement a brand new podcaster has in the initial stages of launching their show, I could sell it and retire tomorrow and even cut you in on the profits.
The energy is off the charts! There’s so much they want to accomplish with their show.
But…they let many of the big mistakes mentioned above creep in. And that’s when they stop having fun.
The podcast platform is the ultimate place for connection, collaboration, and community. There are so many gains to be experienced here, you can’t help but have fun with the process.
IF…you do things right.
And if it’s no longer fun? If it becomes a chore? THAT’S when it’s time to reassess your strategy – because connecting with like-minded people and creating content centered around subjects you’re passionate about SHOULD BE FUN!
Want to avoid these and other mistakes with your podcasting efforts? Set up a free consultation with me and take the first step towards building a strategy that works for you!

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