When recording your podcast, it’s important to choose a location that will deliver high-quality sound. And capturing high-quality sound does not require you to be in an actual studio, believe it or not. Having access to a professional recording studio is a great thing if it’s at your disposal. But […]
Over 1 Million active podcasts and growing. A steady number of new listeners getting more into podcasts every day. A fun, innovative way to reach your audience. These are just a few of the many advantages that podcasting offers brands looking to engage with their fan base. So, with that […]
The beauty of podcasting is that it reaches people in multiple ways. You have your audio component, of course. If you wish, you can add a video component to your show that will give those guided by visual stimulation additional incentive to get hooked on your show. And then there’s […]
In pretty much all cases, a podcast will fit your brand as a content strategy. The key is brainstorming and determining how. Of course, that isn’t a blanket statement. Brands whose sole purpose is to teach online and physically show students what they need to do with a visual component […]
Building a launch strategy allows you to bring your podcast to life in an exciting, impactful way. You only get one chance to make a first impression, and pulling in as many listeners as you can when your show goes live for the first time can truly help your podcast […]
Now, the easy answer is – more than one. That’s an easy answer because you need to give yourself a cushion. You don’t want to record a show, edit it, make it the highest quality and best show you can make it, release it…and then be scrambling to follow it […]
Unless you’re launching your podcast with a built-in audience, the early days of your show will pretty much fall on deaf ears. A built-in audience could come from an active, engaged social media following, an established email list, or…just having a shitload of friends. But in most cases, you’ll need […]
There are a number of ways I could go to answer that question, but I’m going to cut right to the chase. What is the cardinal rule of podcasting? It’s All About The Listener. With every episode you produce, you have to be thinking about the experience the listener will […]
This Week On Pod Theory, I’m looking at how many co-hosts is too many for your show, some things you want to avoid when you’re recording a podcast, why podcasting is not a get-rich-quick scheme, how niching down your content will help your podcast grow, and just a few reasons […]