Put yourself in this scenario… You wrap up a hard day of work. It had ups. It had downs. Just like most days tend to offer… You enjoy dinner with the family. After much struggle, you get the kids bathed and in bed for the evening… Finally, you have a […]
Podcast Guesting Simplified
Adding Podcast Guest Marketing to Your Brand-Building Arsenal What do you do to build your brand, attract new customers, and effectively tell your brand story to the world? Do you leverage social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for organic and paid reach? Have you created a presence on […]
If you’re in business, brand growth is the name of the game. Your brand is what tells your story, attracts new clients, allows you to nurture those clients and transform them into advocates, and position yourself as the go-to authority in your space. Brands that are excelling in today’s competitive […]
The advantages of a quality podcast guesting campaign are abundant and, quite frankly, very hard to measure. A great interview allows you to impact a new audience, build your reputation and authority, grow your network, and enhance your know, like, and trust factor. But what if you’re a podcaster? What […]
Once you’ve landed a podcast interview, the next thing on your agenda is to be ready to have a great interview. However, there are some things that could potentially happen before (and during) your interview that could damage your credibility and lead to minimal to no value coming from your […]
Being a guest on podcasts is the most powerful way to build your brand. You can establish your authority in your niche, position yourself as a thought leader and a resource, connect with new audiences, build backlinks to your website, and much more. In this video on my YouTube channel, […]
Having a guest on your podcast is a big deal. Of course, their presence is helping you create kick-ass content that will be consumed by your audience. But there are many more layers to the guest dynamic. A guest may be experiencing you and your brand for the first time […]