This Week On Pod Theory, I’ll be sharing some strategies on how to deal with the podcast haters and critics, some ways to keep your podcast engaging as you continue to bring new content to life, some predictions and commentary on what podcasting will look like a year from now, secrets to writing engaging, captivating podcast titles, and how to use your podcast to build loyal brand advocates. Episodes 91 thru 95 are available here or wherever you download your favorite podcasts. Enjoy!
Episode 91: How to Deal with the Podcast Haters and Critics
It’s inevitable – as a podcaster/content creator, you’re going to upset some people. It’s the nature of the beast. There is simply no way to please 100% of your listening audience 100% of the time. Unfortunately, we live in a world where people are two to three times more likely to leave you a negative review when they’re upset about something versus a positive review when they’re happy with what they hear.
Crazy, right?
As much as you may not want to see a negative review or get a bunch of heat thrown your direction, it’s not the end of the world. It also can be turned into a positive if you approach everything with the right frame of mind.
On Episode 91 of Pod Theory, I’m going to share my thoughts on reviews, some statistics that back up my claims, and how you can deal with the haters and the critics by putting a positive spin on each situation. The more you seek to accentuate the positives and learn from any negativity that comes your way, the stronger you’ll be AND the better your production quality will become.
Episode 92: 4 Ways to Make (and Keep) Your Podcast Engaging
In order for any podcast to get over with its audience, there has to be certain levels of quality, consistency, and engagement in play. If there is a disconnect between show and listener and/or host(s) and listener, the likelihood of retaining that listener for future episode releases is pretty slim.
Simply put: there are a LOT of podcasts for your audience to choose from. Some directly related to your niche, some not. But podcast listeners only have a certain amount of time in their day to consume content, and chances are excellent they listen to more than just your show.
So how do you ensure they keep your show at the top of their rotation? By keeping them engaged. And that’s what I’ll be covering today.
In Episode 92 of Pod Theory, I’m sharing four simple strategies for making (and keeping) your podcast engaging. These strategies will impact how you produce content, as well as how you interact with your audience in between releases of your new episodes.
Episode 93: What Will Podcasting Look Like a Year From Now?
2020 brought some big changes to the podcast space and many of those changes have spilled into 2021. A lot of what we’ve seen develop has been great for the podcast platform as a whole, with plenty more certain to unfold over the next 365 days.
So, that said…what will podcasting look like a year from now? What developments will impact this industry? Will any podcast directory stake claim to Apple’s throne at the top?
In Episode 93 of Pod Theory, I’m doing some speculation and dropping some commentary on what podcasting will look like one year from today. From increasing numbers to new services designed to help podcasters in their plights to everything in between, one thing is guaranteed: we have a lot to look forward to over the next 12 months.
Now…let’s see how well this episode ages…
Episode 94: 5 Secrets For Creating More Captivating Podcast Titles
In a world dominated by grabby headlines, it’s important to present something that will grab a reader’s attention and draw them into the content of the article that headline leads.
A podcast title works the same way. In order to grab a potential listener’s attention, a podcast title should serve the purpose of generating interest, creating intrigue, and leading the person who finds it to take the next step and click the play button. If a title falls flat, a listener may scroll right passed that episode, and hours of work that COULD HAVE been beneficial to that person is lost because their interest wasn’t piqued on the front end.
In Episode 94, I share five secrets that will help you create more engaging, more captivating titles for your podcast episodes. Using more dynamic titles will help your podcast stand out while up against other shows jockeying for a listener’s attention. If your show creates the most intrigue, a listener will download your episode first.
Episode 95: How to Use Your Podcast to Create Brand Avocates
BRAND ADVOCATE: Someone who goes over and above for a company. They proactively tell the world about your brand with every conceivable platform at their disposal – email, text, word of mouth, social media, blogs. And they typically serves this role without any compensation other than their affection for your brand.
When a person becomes a brand advocate and attaches themselves to your brand, they’ll represent you, they’ll support you, and they’ll do what some companies spend millions trying to recreate – they’ll impart their influence on others and impact buying decisions.
The power of brand advocacy cannot be overlooked and in Episode 95 of Pod Theory, I’m going to look at how your podcast plays a critical role in building brand advocates. As your content spends hours in your listener’s ears, the connection they establish with your brand strengthens. You want to be sure you are establishing advocates at every conceivable level of your brand experience.
FEATURE MENTIONED WITHIN – Brand Advocacy: Everything Your Company Needs to Know