
This Week On Pod Theory | Episodes 46-50

This Week On Pod Theory, I’ve got episodes covering how COVID-19 changed podcasting, the undeniable connection between social media and your podcast, why you should focus your attention on building your audience outside of social media, why consistent content is better than viral content, and why you can never stop learning as a podcaster. It’s a great week of content. Dig in!

Episode 46: How Did COVID-19 Change Podcasting?

The coronavirus pandemic has rendered one of the most significant impacts on society in the last century. The results of this impact have seen businesses close, processes change, and, unfortunately, hundreds of thousands of people die.

COVID-19 has forced us into home schooling, working from home, and, as podcasters, finding new ways to create content. If there’s a silver lining to be found in all of this craziness, it’s how we’ve been able to implement technology into our practices to ensure we stay connected and keep the podcast content coming.

In Episode 46 of Pod Theory, I’m going to break down some of the nuances COVID-19 has brought to the podcasting landscape. From long-distance recording to podcasts being created in a 100% virtual environment, this time period has brought some new practices that won’t go away anytime soon.

Episode 47: The Undeniable Connection Between Social Media and Your Podcast

Social media and podcasting seemingly go hand in hand. If you’ve built a strong social media following, you’re going to use those platforms to communicate with your audience and let them know you have a podcast. Likewise, on your podcast, you’re going to encourage your listeners to follow you on social media.

It’s also been proven that podcast listeners are more apt to follow brands on social media. Therefore, having both can help you acquire a larger audience and more customers for your products and services.

In Episode 47 of Pod Theory, I’m covering the undeniable connection social media and your podcast have. That said, is social media mandatory for growing your podcast audience? I’m going to touch on this and set the table for Episode 48, where I’ll cover that aspect of the podcast/social media connection in more detail.

Episode 48: Why Building Your Audience Outside of Social Media is Critical…Now More Than Ever

There’s no question social media has changed. Organic reach is all but over and networks like Facebook and Instagram are pay to play. This significantly impacts the role social media plays in your efforts and furthers the belief that building an audience outside of social media is crucial to your long-term success.

Social media still has value. But you need to determine how to make it work for you while implementing other time-tested methods into the growth of your podcast.

On Episode 48, I’m breaking down why now, more than ever, building your audience outside of social media is critical to your success. I’m going to cover ways social media has shifted its focus and why you have to adapt to those shifts, as well as how initiatives like SEO, email, and others present better opportunities to grow your podcast audience.

Episode 49: Viral is Not As Good As Consistent

Getting content to go viral can be exciting and generate some buzz around your podcast, social media, website, etc. But in the grand scheme of things, viral content is not an approach you can bank on. You can’t control whether something will go viral…

…but what you can control is consistently producing quality content. Producing quality content on a consistent basis will do much more for your long-term success. And a podcast is the ultimate vehicle for creating consistent content.

On Episode 49 of Pod Theory, I’m going to share why producing consistent content with your podcast trumps viral content every time. Consistency is in your control and could even lead to something going viral…which should be treated as a bonus.

Episode 50: Why You Can Never Stop Learning As a Podcaster

Self-education is a quality you should be practicing in all areas of your life, both personally and professionally. I dedicate 30 minutes a day to educating myself on various aspects of podcasting, business, mindset, marketing, entrepreneurship – subjects that captivate me and drive my practices. No matter what your passion is or what line of work you find yourself in, you should always seek to improve your skill set.

With podcasting, there is so much happening and so much to stay in tune with, keeping your learning cap on is imperative to your growth as a podcaster.

In Episode 50 of Pod Theory, I’m sharing some thoughts on why you can never stop learning as a podcaster. I also share some ways you can continue to challenge yourself on a daily basis to learn new skills and keep your mind sharp as you and your efforts evolve.

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