This Week On Pod Theory, I’ve got five action-packed episodes lined up for you! I’ll be covering how to make the most out of appearing as a guest on other podcasts, how to generate sales with your podcast, a very simple hack that will help you appreciate your audience size (no matter how big or small it may be), some actions you can take when your podcasting efforts plateau, and what podcast hosting service I recommend and why. You can check out all five episodes of Pod Theory below or find the show wherever you listen to podcasts. Enjoy!
Episode 101: How to Maximize Your Appearances On Other Podcasts
The Internet has completely changed. You look at some of the most popular networks – Facebook, Instagram, YouTube – and they’re completely overrun with advertisements, commercials, and “opportunities.” It was only a matter of time that this became the norm, but we are living in it and living in it deep.
Today, it’s all about trust. People do business with other people and brands they’ve established trust in. And that isn’t a quick process. With all the minutia served to us every time we scroll and refresh and scroll again, people need to know the person, the product, and the brand they invest in will be there for them for the long haul.
One of the best ways to establish that trust is to amplify your voice and get it heard as much as possible. And, as luck would have it, the podcasting platform offers you the perfect stage to do just that!
On Episode 101 of Pod Theory, I’m going to share some thoughts and insights on the power of appearing as a guest on other podcasts. Bringing a great message to the mics of established shows that fit your mission will help you build credibility, authority, and, of course, trust. Through guest spots, you can grow your audience exponentially and put your brand on the fast track to success!
Episode 102: How to Generate Sales with Your Podcast
You may look at your brand podcast as a fantastic way to build your brand, market your products, and communicate with your audience. And without question, your podcast can do all that and more, with tactical precision, if you do things right.
But did you know that your podcast can help you generate sales as well? It’s true! In fact, a thorough, well-crafted podcast can serve as the ultimate sales companion and put your sales force in a great position to close new business.
In Episode 102 of Pod Theory, I’m going to share how you can generate sales with your podcast. This approach leverages two of the most critical aspects of your sales funnel – generating leads and building relationships – and helps alleviate some of the effort needed in the sales process by warming up your leads through the information on your podcast.
Episode 103: Pod Theory Condensed – A Simple Hack For Appreciating Your Audience Size
In today’s installment of Pod Theory Condensed, I’m going to share a simple hack that will help you appreciate your audience size…no matter how many people your audience may contain.
Make peace with this fact right now: the world is not going to come running just because you started a podcast. It takes time to build your audience. Even if you’ve built an audience through other platforms like email or social media, it may take some time to get those folks over to your podcast.
The important thing to remember is podcasting a long-term content strategy. You can’t throw in the towel early because you could cost yourself some big opportunities at growth and success as your show evolves.
Today’s Condensed lesson will give you a simple perspective on appreciating what you have and help keep you motivated as you do what’s required to build your audience over time.
Episode 104: 3 Actions to Execute When Your Podcast Efforts Plateau
It happens to the best of us. Your podcast has positive momentum, you’ve got new listeners coming in every week, and it looks like big things are on the not-so-distant horizon. Then….it all just levels off. Your download numbers are pretty much the same every time you release a new show, your marketing efforts are getting stale, and you’re not seeing any of your listeners responding to your calls to action.
So, does this mean you’re failing? ABSOLUTELY NOT! It just means you need to evaluate what’s in front of you and determine what you need to do to give your efforts a true shot of adrenaline to get the needle moving once again.
In Episode 104 of Pod Theory, I’m going to shares three actions you can take when your podcast efforts plateau. These steps will help you discover areas of your show where you can change things up and add some life back to your podcast. It all starts with your ‘why,’ so be ready to revisit your reasons for starting a podcast in the first place!
This episode also features another installment of PodDeck Pandemonium! If you haven’t checked out PodDecks yet, you need to. AND, because you’re a loyal listener of Pod Theory, you can save 10% on your order of any physical PodDecks products at poddecks.com. Just use promo code ‘podtheory’ at checkout!
Episode 105: Pod Theory Q&A – What Podcast Hosting Service Would You Recommend and Why?
It’s time for another installment of Pod Theory Q&A! Once a week, I will answer questions from the Pod Theory audience live on the show. If you’d like to submit a question for me to cover on a future episode, you can contact me one of three ways:
TEXT: 412-965-8428
TWITTER: @jasoncercone
EMAIL: jason@jasoncercone.com
Today’s question comes from Angela and asks “What hosting service would you recommend and why?” Thank you for the question, Angela. Hit play to hear why I recommend………