This Week On Pod Theory, we are going to discuss how to bounce back if your podcast has podfaded, why spamming the podcast community will get you nowhere and what you should do instead, some ways to collect reviews for your podcast and add to your credibility, the best way to repurpose content recorded for other means on your podcast, and if you can improve your results with shorter episodes released on a more frequent basis. The week that was on Pod Theory can be found below, or you can find the show and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. Enjoy!
Episode 76: You’ve Podfaded. Now, How Do You Bounce Back?
Podfading – when your podcast disappears without warning. It can happen for a variety of reasons, such as not building a solid content plan and sticking to it, major life events taking place, losing passion for your podcast, or simply running out of ideas for new episodes.
Podfading is something you want to avoid at all costs. That said, if something takes place and you can’t and you’re ready to get your podcast back on track, it’s imperative you take the right approach to relaunch your show successfully.
In Episode 76 of Pod Theory, I’m going to share some tips and pointers for bringing your podcast back to life and getting your audience members back on board after you’ve podfaded. I’ll be sharing how you should communicate with your listeners, what kind of approach you should take as you relaunch, how many episodes you should have ready to go before announcing your return, and more.
Episode 77: Stop Spamming the Podcast Community. Do This Instead.
Spam sucks. It sucks when you get it and it sucks worse when you’re supplying it to your community and you don’t even know it.
If you are constantly in a habit of selling yourself, your brand, and/or your podcast to people while never providing value, guidance, and advice to those you’re communicating with, you, my friend, are spamming.
In Episode 77 of Pod Theory, I’m going to tell you why you should never spam your podcast community and what you should be doing instead to establish yourself as an authority, as a resource, and to get your fellow community members seeking more from you. In addition, I’ll explain why you should NEVER add someone’s email address to your list without their permission. If someone starts receiving email from you and they never asked for it, that’s spam, too.
Episode 78: 5 Ways to Get Reviews For Your Podcast
Reviews help you gain credibility for your podcast. The positive ones reinforce that you are an authority on your subject matter and give new listeners some insight on what they’ll gain by listening to your podcast. And the negative reviews, while not always popular, can help you look at your podcast from a different perspective and make adjustments to your approach if necessary.
Additionally, the more reviews you can get, the more algorithms will recognize your show as valuable to the podcast listening community and, thusly, your show will rank better when listeners look for shows in your niche.
So, how do you get more reviews for your podcast? In Episode 78 of Pod Theory, I’m going to share five tips you can implement to bring more positive focus to your show by way of ratings and reviews from your audience.
Episode 79: How to Repurpose Other Recorded Content For Your Podcast
Repurposing podcast content is a great way to work smarter, not harder. You can use audio clips from your podcast to share across the web. You can make video of your podcast recordings and use those on YouTube. OR you can reshoot your podcast content as a full-fledged video from scratch. Your research notes, bullet points, and scripts can be repurposed for blog posts, show notes, email newsletters, webinars, and training materials.
But…does it work in reverse? Should you use audio from video recordings or webinars or live training as a podcast episode?
In Episode 79 of Pod Theory, I’m going to answer those questions as I explore repurposing content recorded for other purposes as podcast content. There’s a right way to do this. And a wrong way. Push that play button to learn both.
Episode 80: Can Shorter, More Frequent Podcasts Bring You Better Results?
When you’re laying out the initial plans for your podcast, one of the big components you need to decide on is the format and approximate length of your episodes. You don’t want to be all over the map with your format and absolutely do not want to produce episodes that are five minutes in length one week, then an hour the next, then 10 minutes the week after that, and so on.
Depending on how you want to present your content, you may decide that a short-form podcast that is delivered in more frequent doses will serve you and your results in a more productive way. The important thing to do is commit to a certain content presentation and stick to it consistently with each episode you produce.
In Episode 80 of Pod Theory, I’m going to rap about shorter, more frequently published podcast content and help you determine if it’s the best course of action for you. Whether you’re just starting your podcast or you have episodes released, this information will help you make the best decision for the long-term planning of your show.
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