
8 Ways Podcast Guest Marketing Can Fuel Your Brand Growth For Years

If you’re in business, brand growth is the name of the game. Your brand is what tells your story, attracts new clients, allows you to nurture those clients and transform them into advocates, and position yourself as the go-to authority in your space.

Brands that are excelling in today’s competitive market are doing so with compelling, engaging content and the story behind their brand turned all the way up. With the Internet being a force that sustains our existence daily, people are constantly on the lookout for brands that relate to them on a human level and provide value at every juncture.

Brands missing the boat in this respect are too focused on driving sales and preaching to the masses…not realizing rooting their efforts in value and earning a customer’s business will naturally feed the sales machine.

Q: How do you take your brand to the next level in a noisy, crowded, competitive market?
A: Find a way to stand out.

That answer may be easy to say. But it’s not easy to execute. 

A great way to amplify your brand message and stand out is to bring your story to podcasts that align with your mission and message. The podcast platform has exploded on the foundation of storytelling and no other outlet provides a better stage for projecting your knowledge and expertise to a global audience.

And that global audience? They’re consuming podcasts in ravenous fashion, with droves of new listeners finding podcasts to enjoy every day, along with companies worldwide investing significant revenue into advertising on these shows.

Podcast Guest Marketing, or Podcast Guesting, presents a valuable opportunity for you to position your brand for success. An optimized, well-curated campaign can help you be a value-driven asset to podcast content that can deliver results for years to come.

The key is finding the right podcasts to tell your story on. When that happens, you get to impact a new audience with each interview and warmly welcome them into your circle. 

Here are 8 Ways Podcast Guest Marketing Can Fuel Your Brand Growth For Years (just like the title says):

Global Amplification 

Imagine having an opportunity to tell your brand story to a coliseum of engaged, targeted customers that have shown up because of what you have to say. What would an impactful presentation do for your results? Now, take the power of that message…and amplify across the entire world! This is what podcast guesting provides. You find shows that fit your mission and message, you provide immense value during your appearance, and, once that episode goes live, it can be accessed by listeners WORLDWIDE.

Establish Your Know/Like/Trust Factor

Let’s face it…the Internet is filled with scam artists who relish in their uncanny ability to separate others from their money with underhanded tactics. Because of that, people have their guards up and establishing trust has never been more important. People do business with who they know, who they like, and who they trust. And the more value you provide (from when they first hear your voice on a podcast they love all the way to when they enter your circle of influence and beyond), the more they’ll embrace turning to you as a trusted resource because they know, like, and trust you.

High-Level Networking 

Being a guest on a podcast gives you an opportunity to speak to like-minded people who share your passion. Each guest appearance adds a new person to your network. If you do your job and provide value during the interview, that podcaster may introduce you to someone in their circle. The exponential growth that takes place from effective podcast guesting is immeasurable.

YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: 3 Things to Avoid When Being a Guest On Podcasts

Establish Authority

Everyone wants to be the #1 brand/resource/thought leader in their space, right? Podcasts provide a stage for you to prove you’re worthy of that distinction. How knowledgeable are you? How do you and your brand solve problems that people encounter in this area? Why should people believe what you have to say? Anyone who finds you on the world wide web is instinctively going to ask themselves these questions. Establishing your presence and elaborating on your expertise via podcasts is a powerful way to provide the answers.

“Sell Without Selling”

A big no-no when it comes to podcast guesting is using the platform to sell. This is not what podcasts are for. Listeners don’t tune into podcasts for sales pitches and infomercials. They tune in because the content is engaging, compelling, valuable, and provides them what they seek (entertainment, education, solutions to their problems, etc). By being a value-driven podcast guest, you can position yourself to sell all day long…without having to go into sales mode at all. The value you provide will steer the ship and lead to sales when the time is right!

Grow Your Circle of Influence 

As humans, if we are impacted by someone, our natural instinct is to connect with that person for more value. When you become a podcast guest who gives people a reason to do that, they will follow your Call To Action and sign up for your newsletter, listen to your podcast, take advantage of a free offer you have in place, etc. In order to continue providing value, you need to establish value right from the start. The more you do that on podcasts that align with your mission and message, the more your circle will grow.

Evergreen Content 

The majority of podcasts are evergreen, meaning the content found within will still be relevant when people find it a month, a year, even several years later. That’s HUGE when it comes to the growth of your brand. The more evergreen content you have, the more opportunities you have for discovery in the future…without any additional work!

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 

As if the first seven points weren’t good enough, the SEO benefits a solid podcast guest marketing campaign delivers are truly the icing on your favorite cake (I prefer peanut butter). When you provide a Call to Action during your interview that directs people to your website, that link will then be placed in the show notes for that episode. Those notes can appear on the podcast’s website, their host site, or both. With every interview you do, a link gets placed on high-authority websites and and points to your website. This will drive the authority of YOUR site sky high. More interviews = more backlinks!

With the number of podcasts, as well as the number of podcast genres available, the possibilities for finding shows that allow you to make a significant impact are seemingly endless.

Search for shows that feature content relevant to what you do, tell your story, and stand out!

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