Once you’ve landed a podcast interview, the next thing on your agenda is to be ready to have a great interview. However, there are some things that could potentially happen before (and during) your interview that could damage your credibility and lead to minimal to no value coming from your […]
Being a guest on podcasts is the most powerful way to build your brand. You can establish your authority in your niche, position yourself as a thought leader and a resource, connect with new audiences, build backlinks to your website, and much more. In this video on my YouTube channel, […]
Podcast Movement 2021 is officially in the history books. Nashville, Tennessee was alive and booming with thousands of podcasters in town to learn, share, grow, and network. It was a week full jam-packed with value and getting the takeaways narrowed down to five was a bit of a challenge. But, […]
I recently had the privilege of making a guest appearance on The Cannoli Coach Podcast, hosted by Dr. Kimberly Hambrick. She specializes in business and personal performance management, as well as leadership growth and development and brings her expertise to the world via group coaching sessions, speaking opportunities, trainings, and, […]
What do you focus on the most when it comes to your podcast? If you said “Download numbers!” you’re not unlike many, many podcasters in the world today. For whatever reason, podcast producers get hung up on getting this big number of downloads thinking it’s going to bring the answer […]
Finding a way to generate revenue from your podcast is a big motivator for podcast creators. However, it’s important to understand that podcasting is not a get rich quick scheme. It’s important to crush the thought that millions of dollars are going to fall in your lap just because you […]
Overediting may be one of the most polarizing subjects in the podcasting space. There are many that firmly believe that removing um, uh, like, y’know, lip smacks, and other inaudibles makes the conversation sound less natural, while others believe it’s the job of a good podcast editor to remove fillers […]
Having a guest on your podcast is a big deal. Of course, their presence is helping you create kick-ass content that will be consumed by your audience. But there are many more layers to the guest dynamic. A guest may be experiencing you and your brand for the first time […]
Getting behind in podcast production is the last place you want to be. When this happens, your content suffers. If you are committed to keeping your schedule, you’ll rush to get something put together and the quality of that production may suffer. Or, you may end up delaying the release […]