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The Goods From Lloyd Morrison
- Text or call Lloyd for further guidance and assistance | 201-637-8469
- Or by email | litperformance@gmail.com
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Top 3 Takeaways From This Value-Packed Conversation
- Learning the difference between winning and losing at a young age helps develop a resilient mindset that will carry a person well into adulthood
- Winners lose more than losers lose. Whenever a winner experiences a loss, they look at themselves and discover what went wrong so they can make improvements and be ready to win the next day. Learning from mistakes is critical to growth, evolution, and success
- You must be willing to find and define your greater why in life and tools taught at a young age through competition and athletics can help mold and shape this critical point
Show Notes
1:23 – A moment when Lloyd listened to himself instead of what others told him was right and it led to a major accomplishment
1:54 – A look back at Lloyd’s career as a football player
4:03 – The inspiration behind LIT Performance and what it’s all about
– LIT = Lloyd’s Intensive Training
– Lloyd coaches and mentors child athletes and helps build their skill set, mindset, self-esteem, and confidence
– Some kids have the “It Factor” when it comes to athletics, but many need the validation that social media provides, which hinders performance and growth
– Kids give up much easier these days if they don’t get their way versus previous generations. The love and passion for why they’re doing something isn’t there yet
8:22 – How is not keeping score in children’s sports hindering development and planting bad seeds for future growth?
– By not keeping score, children are not taught about winning and losing in their developmental stages. Therefore, it becomes harder for them to deal with negativity as they grow up. They don’t understand loss and the need for resiliency because they have no frame of reference
– If you get punched in the mouth and your response is to fold and give up, that mentality is rooted in teachings from a young age
– “It’s not about teaching kids to lose. It’s about giving kids the opportunity to lose because losing is an opportunity.”
– You learn twice as much from losing than winning. It forces you to look in the mirror and determine what you did wrong and what you need to do better to succeed the next time
– Feelings may get hurt, but looking within and discovering how to improve will teach resiliency and perseverance…as well as prepare you, at a young age, that life isn’t always going to be positive
– Not keeping score or teaching about winning and losing takes away many important teaching moments that offer lessons that last a lifetime
– If you’re just given a trophy for showing up, you don’t learn how to earn!
15:20 – When you translate the lack of learning about winning and losing at a young age to the professional world, how do you handle job loss, getting passed over for a promotion, or many of the other obstacles you have to overcome to rise to achievement?
– “Winners lose more than losers lose.” A winner will lose, but they never stop trying to get better, tweaking where necessary, and getting right back on track in an effort to obtain the victory
– Mental health awareness is at an all-time high…and a lot of that stems from people who didn’t learn the difference between winning and losing at a young age, which can lead to depression as they grow older and experience negativity
– You may experience a lot of negative situations in life, both personally and professionally, but it’s how you respond and bounce back that will define you
18:04 – A major problem Lloyd has solved in the evolution of his brand that’s added value to his community
20:27 – Steps Lloyd has taken to ensure he provides exceptional customer service as he’s grown his brand
– Heavy emphasis on building relationships
– Keep building upon the little things – the small victories you have within your evolution
– Be thankful and appreciative of people
– Does not put himself in front of others
23:15 – What is your purpose? There’s a greater ‘why’ in life that you need to define
25:22 – Some of the big inspirational stories Lloyd has experienced working with kids through LIT Performance
30:30 – If you’re not playing with a purpose and playing for a victory (aka not keeping score), you cannot learn important leadership skills that instinctively tell you when and how you need to step up and lead
31:32 – “A day without learning is a day wasted.” — Lloyd’s mother
– Ask kids how they’re doing and how their day went. Unlock their minds and open up communication skills early!